Saturday, March 9, 2019

Use Your Imagination

So, what can we put in our pretend lab that will 
make us REALLY s-t-r-e-t-c-h our imaginations?
How about creating a campsite in the woods??
These little people got right on it!

We decided we definitely needed some trees to 
pretend our campsite is in the woods.

Some really good cutting was happening here.

The girls tried to make the path look dirty and decided they 
needed to draw some sticks and pebbles lying on the path.
Next, it was time to make a lake so the little campers 
could have a bit of fishing fun.
The lake was thoroughly stocked with homemade fish!
Adding a bit of signage for the campers was an important step.
We wouldn't want anyone getting lost in the woods.
Did anyone ever pitch a tent before?

"Wait, wait, I got an idea!!"
It's starting to look like a real tent!
Nice team work!
These little campers felt the camp store looked too plain... 
let's add a few vines!
Now for a few animals to set a realistic tone.
Let's not forget about the campfire.
There's nothing like a good ol' campfire 
to prepare yummy roasted marshmallows, 
and s'mores.
Visit the camp store to purchase a fishing license and bait.
The fish are really biting down by the lake!
After a day of hiking and fishing hunkering 
down in the tent for a good nap hits the spot!
Hmmm... is this what the new generation of campers looks like?
Cell phones?
Binoculars come in handy when you're camping.
Good for bird watching,
Watch out for tent peepers!!
Ahhhhh... who is that?!?
a bear?!?!?!?
Stop in before our campsite disappears!
Wonder what we'll come up with next???

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