Friday, March 30, 2018

Busy Letter Experts

Letter experts have been visiting us from all over the world!
They are doing a great job teaching us about 
the sound associated with their special letter.
Here are the first little experts...
Mr. Tisaac
Miss Cisabella
Mr. Dames
Mr. Kames
Mr. Reed
Miss Hrace
Miss Zaleah
Mr. E-eo (long e) and Miss Elivia (short e)
Miss Gruth
Stay-tuned for more Letter Experts after spring break:)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Stations of the Cross

This morning the students of St. Robert School came together to watch a live retelling of the the Passion of Christ 
performed by our oldest students.
It was moving beyond words and though a tragic story, 
it was almost magical. 
Let these images tell the story.

Have a blessed Easter!

Antiques Roadshow Show & Tell

The antiques have been pouring in. 
The children have been so interested in each old item. 
They definitely understand that antique is something old and it has been very impressive to listen to their interpretation of how the time has been improved upon in the world that they live in today.

This is a 120 year old United States quarter.

 This is an old Saturday Evening Post newspaper 
that was found in the walls of this child's home 
during a remodeling project and it is from 1944.
This is Buddy! 
He is very old and has been passed along through the family.
 This is a wedding cup for the bride and groom to share a toast.
It is about...  years old.
 This doctor's medical bag belonged to this student's grandpa.
He used to make house calls a long time ago!!
It it 70 years old!
This rotary phone is about 50 years old.
One of our teachers had a phone like this when she was our age.
 These arrowheads are anywhere from hundreds of 
years and maybe to 1000 years old. 
People used them to hunt for food before there were grocery stores.
Check out this old record player. 
We had to wind it up to get it to play the songs.
It is approximately 30 - 100 years old.
 Great Grandma rode to school on a horse using this saddle.
It's about 80 years old.
This is an old flip phone.
Really goes to show you how technology changes so rapidly.
This phone is 10 years old.
This is a cassette tape that is about 30 years old.
Believe it or not this is how people used to listen to music!

This WWll army helmet was worn by this little 
friend's great grandpa!!
It's about 75 years old!

Televisions have undergone many improvements since the 1970's

This pencil sharpener is 100 years old
and it still winds around and around!

Here are two types of floppy disks.
They are about 30 years old.

We also saw a gigantic 85 year old diamond doorknob.
It was sooooo pretty that our teacher forgot to take a picture.
The sparkles were blinding.
(The remaining antiques will be in a separate post.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chillin' With Our Peeps

We have gotten to know the new fuzzy-faces in 4K...

Some of our chicks have dark spots on their heads and chipmunk stripes- that means they're hens.

Two have light spots on their heads and are golden in color: they're roosters. The black and grey chicks we will have to wait and see if they cock-a-doodle-doo or lay eggs to know what they are.

Bring on the chicks!

The kiddos were all so gentle and conscientious with our little chicks. 

A few ate right out of the children's hands, 

and made themselves comfortable!

The children have been so excited to help with the care of our "pets."

They notice when the food and water is getting low and have learned how to add more for them.

Our fuzzy friends are one week old, beginning to grow feathers, and getting big fast! Thursday will be their last day in our classroom. Please stop by to see them if you have not had an opportunity already!

Thank you for sharing in our excitement and learning during this hatching project! It has been a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience hands-on science and witness God's work from the egg to chick!