Sunday, October 1, 2017

More Apple Fun!

We started our week about apples with a taste test and graphed our was declared the "best," but all were delicious!  Thank you for sending all of the wonderful apples!

Apple printing...

We tested our balancing abilities after reading Ten Apples Up on Top by Theo LeSieg.  

Their skills are impressive!
Writing our Number of the Week (we've had 0 and 1 so far) in shaving cream.  Great writing practice and a fun sensory activity!

Math/Engineering Challenge: How many apples can you balance?

These smart engineers figured out right away how to use the play-doh to help them succeed in their challenge!

We did a baking soda/vinegar experiment in an apple...

and the scientists are hard at work recording their observations...

ask about a new science word we learned- hypothesis!

Before the experiment, many scientists predicted that the apple would "explode" when the vinegar was poured in.  Although there was no explosion in the classroom (thankfully), the apple did erupt with lots and lots of fizz!
What detailed observations!

We asked questions such as "Does an apple weigh more than a rock?" and talked about the math words: more than, less than, and equal.

There was a lot of apple baking last week in class.

We used ordinal numbers when we talked about the apple life cycle.

This engineer met my challenge to build an apple from Legos!

Parts of an apple exploration in the science center.  A star was discovered!

6 seeds were discovered!

Thank you, 4K families, for the very thoughtful birthday gift!  The flowers are beautiful and the cupcakes were scrumptious (my family and I gobbled them up that evening)!  I was very touched by your kind gesture!

The kiddos also surprised me with beautiful birthday drawings I will treasure!

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