Monday, October 30, 2017

5 Little Pumpkins

Our afternoon STREAM tinker time challenge was a fun one. We focused on the Reading, Engineering, and Math parts of the acronym. First, we read the story that goes with the finger play we have been reciting for a couple of weeks. It was fun to see illustrations put to the rhyme.
Next, came the challenge part...
These kids dive right in. Four and five year olds just do not go through the intimidation phase. Some kids collaborated with a friend or two, others chose to take on the task of building a gate on their own. They tried unit blocks.
Duplo bricks,
And even connecting cubes with popsicle sticks.

We tried two different types of pumpkins too; the candy corn variety and the loose parts variety.
The children were very careful about counting out their pumpkins to be sure they only had 5!
Here are a few finished products!
The children are learning that each challenge can be approached in multiple ways.

 Good job little engineers!

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