Monday, September 25, 2017

Fire Drill Practice

This week the children have been practicing what to do if we have a fire drill. We are all set and have talked through the procedure and what the fire bell will sound like and look like when it is ringing. 
It IS very loud and startling, so for the first drill, we will be told prior to the bell ringing to help us prepare ourselves a bit for the loud siren. The fire alarm also flashes with white lights to help get our attention (as if the siren isn't loud enough to do that)!
The children know just where to stand and how to wait outside until we get the all-clear to re-enter the building. Such good listeners!

Fire drills are typically a little scary. When your child comes home and tells you about it, reassure him/her that it is just something we need to learn to do to help keep us safe... just in case. Affirm how very proud you are because you know how brave we must be:)

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