Monday, September 11, 2017

Color Exploration

During the month of September, we engage in an exploration of COLORS! Children are familiar with colors. They notice them in their environment. They see them in books and they experience them while creating art.
We've read a variety of color books. Here are a few of our favorites! More to come over the next few weeks.

As you saw in previous posts, exploring color items on the light table brings out the vibrancy and beauty in colors. 

Painting at the easel allows for color experimentation with no limits. The children enjoy being in charge of choosing the colors they wish to combine. It's fun and elicits many happy giggles.

We have also enjoyed creating a few new sensory bottles or calming jars. For this one we dropped a few large water beads into some water. 

The next day, the water beads were huge. We added a few more large beads and some small ones and we will see what happens when we get back to school on Monday. These jars are easy to make and are soothing to look at for an over-excited or upset child. We have quite a few different types in our classroom 'SAFE PLACE.'
We are even creating color tubes with broken necklaces and other misplaced, small toys. If you find any small or missing toy pieces in your home... don't throw them out. Send to school with your child and we will add the pieces to the appropriate color tube.
This week we are learning a silly poem about RAINBOhair. The full-day children made silly heads with crazy colored hair. You can check these out at Parent Preview night. They are hanging in the hall:)

More color fun to come!!

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