We began a new unit this week and have had fun setting up an interactive children's aquatic museum.
Our own little version of Betty Brinn in the classroom.
Our own little version of Betty Brinn in the classroom.
At this point in the year, the children have taken over the responsibility for creating all the signage and decorating.
('Museum open at 8 to 10')
Making signs is serious business:)
We made pretend 'windows' to view the sea animals and plant-life.

('Museum open at 8 to 10')
Making signs is serious business:)
We made pretend 'windows' to view the sea animals and plant-life.
We have many interactive activities for the museum visitors;
Seashell sorting.
Tiny sea creatures sensory table complete with
water for some good imaginary fun.
water for some good imaginary fun.
Imaginary waterplay with a few
ABC's thrown in for a bit of literacy learning.
ABC's thrown in for a bit of literacy learning.
Seashell exploration...
If you listen closely, you can HEAR the ocean.
It takes a great amount of concentration!
There is also a little library of ocean animal books and a place to create our own books inside our museum.
We have many beautiful real photographs of various sea creatures to look at while playing in our museum and of course,
child-created ones as well.
No museum would be complete without a gift shop.
We never pass by an opportunity to exercise
our small muscles at the finger gym.
This week we are picking up teeny tiny seashells and counting them out to match them to the numbers on the sea stars.
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