Sunday, February 4, 2018

3 Ways to Read-a-Book

We are learning all the ways we can read a book.
All year long we have been taking PICTURE WALKS
A picture walk is when the 'reader' tells the story based on what he/she sees in the illustrations.
We have learned that illustrations need many details 
so they can tell a story.
The children have also been learning how to retell their own version of a story after hearing it read several times. 
RETELLING can happen in a variety of ways. 
In 4K we use a flannel board with character pieces.

 We also use puppets in our puppet theater and stuffed animal characters in various places in our room. 
Our newest form of retelling is when the children become the characters much like an actor or an actress. 
Retelling focuses on concentrating on what happens in the beginning of the story, the middle, and the ending of the story.
The last way we can read a story is by READING THE WORDS.
In 4K reading the words can mean hunting for familiar sight words and even spotting letters that we know, 
We are all at different stages of reading development.

 Some children may be ready to read the words 
from an emergent reader.
The children are also learning some of the procedures for 
'Read-to-Self' and 'Read-to-Someone'
Both of these are part of the Daily Five which is the format for the literacy block of instruction in kindergarten through fifth grade.
To help the children stick to their role during Read-to-Someone, they each wear a necklace reminding them of the role they chose. The mouth is worn by the reader 
and the ear is worn by the listener:)
Sometimes our stuffed animals even get in on the action.

'Listen-to-Reading' is another element of Daily Five that 4K students are engaged in. The children have learned how to follow along with the story and turn the pages with a signal cue on the CD.

This is a very exciting time for literacy learning in 4K:)

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