Tuesday, March 31, 2020

You Are Loved!

What do you do when you turn 5, but school 
needs to stay closed due to COVID19???
First, your friends call you in the morning on a Zoom Meet 
and sing our traditional class birthday song!!
Next, when you are in THIS class, your friends 
give you your own little parade.

 WOW... for me?!?
 Some friends got out and stayed 6 feet 
apart to greet the birthday girl!!
 Hey, it's my teacher:)
I remember her!!
What a special memory!!
Happy birthday sweet, Maddie!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Drive By Smiles!

So, what does a prekindergarten teacher do when she's missing her sweeties so very much and COVID-19 just won't quit?
It's been 8 long days of too much quiet!! 
It was time to get creative!!
An afternoon of 'Drive By Smiles' was just the ticket!
 Someone has been practicing writing letters!!
I see someone peeking through the window!!
Waiting in great anticipation!
She's here!!
Melt my heart!!
 Ahhhhh... it's a shark!!
 Wait, there's a shark in our class?!?
 Whoa, I made it on a yard sign!!
 Mmmm... time to head home!
That pizza is making me hungry!!
Awwww... polka dots just for me!!
This was truly the 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Antiques Roadshow... Remote Version!

 Hello Friends!
We are trying to continue with our March Show & Tell...
Antiques Roadshow!!
I guess we really did 'hit the road.'
Check-out the two videos that were submitted this week:)
Great job, Lilyana and Andrew!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Lucky the Leprechaun Strikes Again

Well, school may be closed, but somehow Lucky the Leprechaun still caused a bit of mischief at school.
It all started when we designed and 
built leprechaun traps.
  The children shopped for recyclables to use for their trap.

Our big buddies helped with the constructing part.
They are really good at that.
 Adding the details to the trap is the key to success.
 The finished traps turned out GREAT!
Love that little trail of gold to entice 
Lucky to come and investigate!
Before leaving school on Monday, 
I placed their traps around both rooms.
When I arrived on Tuesday morning, a bit of 
leprechaun mischief had occurred.
   I was really quiet...
 Looks like Lucky was enjoying himself!
He looks a wee bit cozy!
 Now for some silly mischief!
 He got out!
 Real gold nuggets!
 Such a magical time to 'use your imagination!'