Thursday, November 30, 2017

Holiday Bakery... OPEN!

Our pre-k bakery opened this week just in time for the holidays. The lines are beginning to grow so get your orders in soon.
We pride ourselves in delivering great customer service.
 Staff is being trained on-the-job!
The children are learning about the different job roles like cashier, baker, decorator, packager, maintenance crew, dishwasher, and delivery driver... to name a few. Each day they plan their play and decide WHO they will each be that day. The children have learned that they need to negotiate and compromise in order to run the bakery and everyone ends up having fun even if their first-choice for a job isn't available. We have learned that EVERY job is an important piece of the puzzle.
We have also learned that IF we don't keep our bakery 'neat and tidy' the health inspector could close us down. Hmmmm.... something to think about!
 Taking orders is great for number writing practice!!
These little writers decided to create number tickets in the event that the lines get too long. So smart!!

The bakers are busy fulfilling the orders.
Pre-orders are highly recommended.

We have chocolate, minty, and peppermint dough.
A sensory experience in and of itself:)

Packaging the baked goods with care!

The packagers are stocking the shelves with beautifully packaged baked goods.
 Working cooperatively is soooo important!

   Attention to detail!

This efficient little bakery even offers delivery services!!
If you are in need of holiday baked goods, stop by. 
Our little bakers will take good care of you:)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Today our Art for Youth volunteer came for a visit and we had LOTS of fun!
The children learned a bit about a piece of art titled The Long Story. Mrs. K. engaged the children in a great discussion about what they thought the men in the painting were talking about.

We learned that this artist strategically placed the figures in his painting in a triangle to draw the viewers eyes to that part of the painting. We had fun creating a triangle with our own fingers to see if we could view the trio of men in our little window.
We heard two stories dealing with the use of imagination and shapes. We always LOVE listening to stories! 
Next, we created our own shape masterpiece using shape templates and the effect of overlapping and turning the shapes into whatever our imagination came up with.

Thank you, Mrs. K!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Evergreen Exploration

Today we began an evergreen inquiry unit. So many different types of evergreen trees; the needles, the pine cones... more on that in the days to come.
The full-day kiddos dove right in this afternoon and had a ball with our latest challenge...
Such intent faces.

These kids know how to think outside the box!!
  Each idea so original.
Check out these long pine needles:)
There is nothing more satisfying than watching young children approach a problem or challenge. They are not intimidated in the least and have amazing ideas!! We can all learn a thing or two from little people:) Enjoy a few of the finished evergreen trees!

A few of the children tried their hand at drawing like a scientist too. This is becoming a bit more routine and the children really understand the difference between a creative artist vs. drawing like a scientist and only drawing what is seen.
We took a closer look at pinecones this afternoon.
Impressive, wouldn't you say?!
 The phonetic spelling is pretty exciting too:)