Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Saying Good-Bye

Today we said farewell to Ms. Nancy, our long-time chief lunch cook. The children on the first floor were so excited and planned several surprises for her.
We made a special banner...

We designed and painted a fun apron for Ms. Nancy...

We bought her two gift cards... Outback Steak House and Culvers... and tucked them into the pockets of the apron Thank you parents for your generous donations.
The entire first floor paraded into the lunchroom singing an original song we wrote JUST for Ms. Nancy. She was so surprised.

 Ms. Nancy was videotaping us:)

The best part of lunch today was having Ms. Nancy lead us in prayer and sharing a piece of her retirement cake. Mmmm.... it was yummy:)
Good-bye Ms. Nancy!
Happy Retirement!
We will Miss YOU!!
Be well! Be happy!!

CSW - Time Travelers

What fun it was to see how all the little Time Travelers dressed today. We had kids from both past and future. Check out these little cuties.              
Hippies from the 1960's
 Future Professions
 A little bit of everything!!
 Sisters from the 1950's
Check out these these little law enforcers from the future!
Just looking at them makes me feel safe:)
  This little doc seems to know just what to do!!
Check back tomorrow for more silly pictures...
MiS-mAtCh Clothes Day and CrAzY Hair Day!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

CSW - National Day of Service

The children were so excited this morning as they unloaded the sandwiches and granola bars they brought to help feed the homeless. 

A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities they demonstrate the values and faith they gain through their Catholic education and learn how to make the world a better place.
This afternoon the children filled the lunch bags with their own granola bars and were so excited when they spotted the bags they decorated at our pajama party. 

So sweet!!
The bags were delivered to Open Door Cafe' to be distributed to the homeless in Milwaukee.

Pancakes in Pajamas Party!

We kicked off Catholic Schools Week with a bang with our 'PANCAKES in PAJAMAS' party! What fun we had!!
Our chief cook was Mrs. J. and her sidekick, Nana!

Mrs. K. painted Pretty Polish on the girls while Mrs. S. created 'Super PPuzzles with the boys.

At another station, we focused on our school-wide service project and decorated Pretty Party sacks to hold the lunches for the homeless.

In the Discovery Lab, the children enjoyed playing with Pink Playdough while adding Purple sparkles and Poking with Party Picks.

At another table, the children strung Fruit Loops to create an edible Pretty Pattern necklace with the guidance of Mrs. G.

The last center was a silly craftivity. Mrs. F. assisted the children in making' Pete the Penguin' out of a giant letter P.

 Here lies a waddle of penguins!
We had a couple extra centers for those who finished early like Puffy Pom Poms and a Private reading tent.

Of course, the highlight of the morning was eating 
'Pancakes in our Pajamas!!'

Even Mrs. B, joined in the fun!

Thank you to all our special helpers for making this day so PERFECT!

We hope you join us again next year, Mrs. J:)
We ate so many yummy pancakes, we had to do push-ups after our party ended:)

What a hoot!
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