Using real props adds to the fun and
the play becomes even more rich.
The world comes alive and real-world skills are being practiced in abundance; problem solving, negotiating, turn-taking, patience, social skills, collaborating, sharing, not to mention all the literacy and math skills that occur naturally in this setting.

(Check-out the patience these little shoppers have while waiting in the long line.)

(Check-out the patience these little shoppers have while waiting in the long line.)
Our apple orchard transformed into a
pumpkin patch country market.
The new register we got at the rummage sale
even has a scanner... so cool!!
The children sort pumpkins according to size and even color.
When it is clean-up time, the gourds and pumpkins need to be sorted into the different bushel baskets.
The hayrides have been a lot of fun...
muscle-power runs this tractor:)
It's so fun to make a purchase at the store and then
set-up a picnic with friends.
Thanks to all for sending in all the great pumpkins and gourds!!
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