Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

The little goblins had a wonderful time at their first 
class party complete with many fun party centers!
Our morning began rotating through 6 activity centers, 
supervised by teachers and parent helpers.
First order of duty was to form COLOR TEAMS to ensure that our 
little goblins stayed in the correct group.
Worked like a charm and they thought it was pretty cool too:)
Witches Brew
'I Spy' sensory bags
Halloween Bingo
Pin-the-Eye on the Monster
Pumpkin Painting
Pumpkin Bowling
Next, it was time to feast on some very festive snacks.
(Thank you, parents... you're AWESOME!)
Have you ever seen such a happy, festive table before?
The BEST part about class parties is...
We also wish a special happy birthday to our 
newest little 5-year-old pumpkin!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Pep Rally

This afternoon the children experienced their very first pep rally to honor the 8th grade girls volley ball team. 
They have been invited to the prestigious 
Padre Serra tournament.
It was loud!
It was exciting!
We even got to shake pom poms!
Robby the bobcat even showed up at the rally.
Gooooooo Bobcats!!
First game is on Wednesday, October 31st.
Good luck, girls!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

5 Senses Fun in the Discovery Room

We had so much fun exploring our world with our 5 senses this past week...

In art, we used our senses of sight & touch to finger paint.

We used all of our senses to experience a pickle: see a pickle, touch a pickle, 

smell a pickle,

taste a pickle, CRUNCH!

We used all of our senses in science to explore...have you heard the ocean inside a shell?

Mathematicians used their sense of sight to count and create patterns.

In the afternoon, we took a 5 senses walk and drew pictures of what we saw, smelled, heard, and touched.

We used our senses of sight and hearing to challenge our sense of balance and body awareness...such good balancing!

Many kiddos were slowly able to stand up, walk around,

and quack without their ducks falling off!