Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bird & Nest Inquiry

What better time of year to engage in a study of birds than SPRING!? We have enjoyed many fiction, as well as nonfiction books about birds and the nests they build. The children have been fascinated by all the different types of nests, as well as the varied materials birds use to build the nests, soooooo it seemed liked a perfect opportunity to try our hand at building our own nests.
We went for a little walk this afternoon to gather all the supplies we could find around school...that's what birds do too. We found dead plant leaves and also saw signs of new growth. We gathered sticks and even a heavy clump with grasses, sticks, and dirt all combined. We made a happy discovery once we got busy inside:)

Hopefully, we helped the grounds crew get a jump start on preparing the garden beds around school by removing dead leaves:)

Once inside, the interested children worked collaboratively on their nests. The dialog between the kids was amazing. They were thinking, problem-solving, and making adjustments all along the way.

 Hmmm... how can we create some mud to act like glue?
The children noticed that some of the grasses had dirt attached. They tried adding some water and guess what... instant MUD!!!

 This team tried a bit of playdough to get the grasses to adhere.
We read how birds add a soft layer for the baby birds to rest on after they hatch.

 I guess we need more mud!! LOL!

 A pebble nest is so much neater!!

Check out our finished products...

After the nests were completed we discussed how amazing it is that birds are able to build nests using only their  beaks and two feet with claws. How do they do that?!

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