Thursday, November 17, 2016

Inquiry Project... Migrators

 Our inquiry project led our learning to animals who migrate to survive the winter. We learned that when animals migrate they leave in a herd or flock and exit the area before winter arrives. They travel many miles; some by air, others by foot. We read several books specifically on geese which all the children had background knowledge of.
We wondered what geese like to eat and why they couldn't find it in the winter, so we did a Google search and found out they like fresh plants.  We decided we would go outside to see if we could find any food for the geese.

We noticed that most of the leaves were brown and crunchy and there were only a few green weeds growing near the fence on the playground.  It helped us to understand why geese need to leave town for the winter. We flew around the playground a bit searching for food and then got in a V formation and tried our hand at flying like a flock of migrating geese.  Soooo silly and fun!! The honking sounded a bit like giggling at times:)

Check out our YouTube video:
When we came back inside, we were so tired we needed to take a rest!
How can geese fly so far every year?

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