Tuesday, October 1, 2019

We LOVE Apples!

Our autumn unit arrived in full force as 
we began an inquiry on apples.
We started by setting up our own little apple orchard 
and market store in our pretend lab. 
The children are having so much fun 
picking apples off the apple tree and sorting 
them by colors into the bushel baskets.

 Making apple pies to sell in the store takes lots of team work.
Taking orders at the window takes concentration and the ability to use listening skills while writing at the same time.
We heard a story about a little boy who found a star in his apple and then we found stars in our apples.
We observed how the air browned the flesh of the apple.
We printed with apples.
At the math center we counted pom pom apples 
and hung them in the apple tree. 
We also made numbers with playdough 
and filled 10-frames with the correct number 
of apples to match the number we made.
We are learning to see a number in many different ways.
We picked up apples at the finger gym using a tweezers 
and hung them in the tree while also matching the 
apple color to the correct tree.
We learned about a new center called Write-the-Room and 
played an 'I Spy' the letter apples around the room game.
 We look so official!
 After all, we are letter detectives!
We matched ABC apples at the pocket chart center.
We also built our names from mini apples that 
we hunted for in our ABC sensory bin.
We simply have centers everywhere in our room.
Give us a shelf or a door and we will turn it into space for a center.
Building apple trees at the playdough 
tinker tray helped us use our imaginations.
Painting apple trees at the easel was a blast.
 It took us 3 days because we let each phase dry in between.
Feel free to stop by to see our display in the hallway.
Another highlight from the week was our apple 
tasting party and graphing the results.
Red was the winner in our class!
Stay-tuned for more apple fun showing what our engineers 
worked on in the construction zone:)

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