Monday, February 5, 2018

Chinese New Year Celebration

What a special treat we had this morning!!
Mrs. L. came to teach us all about China and Chinese New Year because her family lived there for several years. 
In fact, our little friend Carter was even born there!!
We learned about the Zodiac and how the animals 
had a race and the first 12 winners to cross 
the finish line got a year named after them.
This is the Year of the Dog!
We learned about the customs of the new year...
everyone gets their haircut BEFORE the new year comes.
The Chinese people also get new clothes and clean out their houses.

The idea is, out with the old, to make room for the new.
Red is the color of prosperity, good luck, and happiness.
Carter taught us how to count to 10 and we learned a few other phrases and words as well.
We had a chance to rotate through 3 centers:
At one center we made real dough and rolled LONG noodles. The longer the noodle, the longer your life. 
People in China do not cut their noodles.

At another center the children practiced their fine motor skills as they picked up different objects using chopsticks. 
It is hard work to use chopsticks.

The last center was the firecracker station. 
We each rolled two groups of 8 firecracker papers and attached them to a red string, complete with a tassle at the bottom.
In China, these firecrackers are lit in preparation for the Lion or Dragon to dance in the New Year parade.

Some of the children made Good Luck banners.
Writing Chinese characters is very tricky.

The full-day children continued the celebration by designing a piece of the dragons body. The pieces are bright and colorful and very shiny. Watch for a bulletin board coming soon:)
Thank you so much for sharing your time and treasure Mrs. L.
 Gung Hay Fat Choy!

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