Monday, January 1, 2018

...and a happy New Year!

In the science center the week before break we attempted to make "icicle" ornaments by placing a pipe cleaner in a borax and water mixture.  Crystals are supposed to start forming within hours, so we watched...and waited...and...nothing.  But, the next day, this failure got the class thinking about what might have gone wrong and how we could fix it!  

They decided to make more crystals- we needed to add more borax!  Good thinking!  That's what we did and- ta da!  Visible crystals formed in about an hour.  Pretty.

We've been talking about shapes in math.  The kiddos have been using their mathematicians eyes to identify shapes in the "real" world, aka, our classroom.  They went on a shape hunt for a few minutes and brought a shape back to the carpet.

We graphed the shapes and counted how many of each shape was found.  I had to add an extra sheet of paper to the graph because so many different shapes were found!  

'Tis the season for glitter...

and more glitter!

Glittery pinecone ornaments are sooo pretty and simple!

Look at their cubbies brimming with holiday cheer!  THANK YOU to all for your generosity!  I am humbled and grateful to be a part of the St. Robert family!  To go to work every day and spend my time with your kiddos is the best gift I could get!  Wishing all a very happy and healthy New Year!  Looking forward to seeing all of the little friends on Wednesday!

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