The children are learning many new vocabulary words by playing with the wood pieces from our Handwriting Without Tears program.
Each capital letter and number can be made using these 4 types of lines; "big line, little line, big curve, little curve."
The children are beginning to use these big words as they
refer to the different positions of the lines; vertical, horizontal, diagonal, top, middle, bottom.
Show me a VERTICAL line.
Show me a HORIZONTAL line.
Show me a DIAGONAL line.
Being horizontal lines using our own bodies is so silly.
The children have fun trying to identify which wood piece they
are holding while their eyes are closed.

Using the 'Mystery Bag' is always fun.

are holding while their eyes are closed.
Using the 'Mystery Bag' is always fun.
All 4 wood pieces are hiding in the bag and the children have to reach in guess which one they are holding.
This past week we learned a new song called Tap, Tap, Tap.
The children needed to listen very carefully
in order to follow the directions.
The children needed to listen very carefully
in order to follow the directions.
In this picture the kiddos have their wood pieces in 'sleeping' position waiting for the song to begin.
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