Our autumn unit arrived in full force as we began an inquiry on apples.
We started by setting up our own little apple orchard
and market store in our pretend lab.
Spending and counting money, learning to wait in line, sharing materials... these are LIFE SKILLS in action!
The children are having so much fun
picking apples off the apple tree and sorting
them by colors into the bushel baskets.
picking apples off the apple tree and sorting
them by colors into the bushel baskets.

Taking orders at the window takes concentration and the ability to use listening skills while writing at the same time.
We heard a story about a little boy who found a star in his apple and then we found stars in our apples.
We observed how the air browned the flesh of the apple.
It was very fun digging all those seeds out with our little fingers.
We did more apple science and made a prediction whether or not apples would float or sink.
The outcome... FLOAT!!
Some of our little scientists tried their first observational drawing of an apple. Drawing like a scientist is very different than creating like an artist. It takes great concentration. A scientist draws what is seen.
We printed with apples.
We are learning to see a number in many different ways; number symbol, number of objects, tally marks, in a 5-frame or 10-frame.
The children enjoyed a variety of different apple math games and activities.
Comparing the weight of an apple to other fall nature items was fascinating to the children.
We picked up apples at the finger gym using a tweezers
and hung them in the tree while also matching the
apple color to the correct tree.
and hung them in the tree while also matching the
apple color to the correct tree.
We learned about a new center called 'Write-the-Room' and
played an 'I Spy' the letter apples around the room.
played an 'I Spy' the letter apples around the room.
We matched ABC apples at the pocket chart center.
Wrote letters in the apple writing tray.
We also built our names from mini apples that
we hunted for in our ABC sensory bin.
In our BIG sensory bin we prepared apple pies. Mmmm... the cinnamon smelled so yummy!We simply have centers everywhere in our rooms.
Give us a shelf or a door and we will turn it into space for a center. Here the children are playing at our retelling center and reciting our apple poem of the week.
Give us a shelf or a door and we will turn it into space for a center. Here the children are playing at our retelling center and reciting our apple poem of the week.
Building apple trees at the playdough
tinker tray helped us use our imaginations.
tinker tray helped us use our imaginations.
Can you stack 10 apples using playdough & caps?
Painting apple trees at the easel was a blast.
Another highlight from the week was our apple
tasting party and graphing the results.
RED was the winner in Miss Windsor's class and GREEN was the winner in Mrs. Flynn's class!
The children learned so much about the lifecycle of an apple and all about the parts of an apple, we decided to make a 'diagram' and label all the parts.
Stay-tuned for more apple fun showing what our engineers
worked on in the construction zone:)
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