The full day children are engaged in an inquiry on COLOR. Each afternoon we set the tone by reading a story with a color theme. The activities for the afternoon revolve around that story and are integrated across disciplines. We like to call this Story Time STREAM.
We are learning about the acronym STREAM. It stands for Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.
STREAM is important because it helps teachers incorporate multiple disciplines at the same time and promotes learning experiences that allow children to explore, question, research, discover, and exercise innovative building skills.
Children are fascinated with exploring colors especially when they can mix them to discover new colors.
Enjoy a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.
Growing water beads and creating calming bottles for our Safe Place corner.
Making fizzy colors.
Setting up our 'walking rainbow' experiment.
What do you notice?
Let's not forget about our cool Skittles Rainbow!!
Watch and listen as the rainbow formed right before our eyes!
Colors are everywhere.
Thank you, God for giving us so many beautiful colors!