Friday, April 24, 2020

Celebrating the Earth!

One day was simply not enough to celebrate Earth Day
so we enjoyed an Earth Week.
The prekindergarten children engaged in learning 
about ways they can help sustain the Earth's natural 
resources and how they can be helpful and kind to the planet.
Reusing and repurposing items is very important and you 
can even turn them into beautiful art.

We enjoyed many stories about the Earth: 
both fiction and nonfiction.
The children were challenged to create a family promise poster 
to hang in the window that would also help teach 
others about being good stewards of the Earth.
 LOVE this teamwork!
Fun activities included creating an Earth using ANY materials;
using mathematician and scientific skills 
to whip up a batch of Earth Day slime; 
reusing old crayons to make BIG Earth day crayons;
and creating a calming Earth Day sensory bottle.
The most fun was building a MONSTER from recyclable materials.

The little monsters were busy all week switching out their diet of letters, sound cards, numbers, shapes, etc....
The children enjoyed feeding their monsters while 
practicing their fine motor skills at the same time.
The children even found recyclable items 
and turned them into learning games!!
Thank you, God, for giving us this big, beautiful Earth!!

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