The children are learning about LEFT and RIGHT.
I over-teach the right hand to help
with the understanding of directionality.
Good readers and writers ALWAYS start
on the left and move toward the right.
This has nothing to do with hand dominance, however.
To help my little friends learn which is their right hand, we do many fun things like put stickers on our right hands,
spray them with pretty smells, and even rub on smelly lotions.
spray them with pretty smells, and even rub on smelly lotions.
Go team!!
Today we learned a fun handshaking 'Hello' song.
"Give 'em your right hand. Look 'em in the eye.
Put a smile on your face and then you say HI!"
Shaking hands with a friend makes for a happy heart:)
We are also learning that it is polite
to SMILE when you greet someone.
Our classrooms also support emergent readers and writers by placing a starting anchor for the children wherever reading and writing occurs and this always is in the form of a happy face.

We even practice air writing when we line-up at the door:)

We even practice air writing when we line-up at the door:)

Using the language of left and right in day-to-day
conversations and directions will assist your
child in remembering with automaticity.
conversations and directions will assist your
child in remembering with automaticity.
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