Thursday, September 12, 2019

Math Workshops

We began MATH WORKSHOPS in the Discovery Lab this week!

 The children rotate between 4 different 
workshops each lasting about 10 minutes in length.
 The month of September is spent exploring 
all the different math tubs of manipulatives. 
 Through the children's play, I make observations to 
watch HOW the children interact with the materials. 

I support their learning and interact by asking the BIG, 
open-ended questions that will promote THINKING.
 The children were very engaged collaborating with their groups and great conversations were happening as they shared ideas.
I observed sorting by color, organizing items in straight lines and tall towers, counting, combining different sets and counting the grand total, and even a few attempts creating simple patterns.
 Such teamwork!!
And giggles galore!!
Learning in a play-based environment IS so 
natural for young children!!
Once the children have had the opportunity to explore and 
interact with all the math tubs, and learn the names of all the different manipulatives, we will move on to 
playing math games, gaining authentic practice in 
applying math skills and learning to talk like a mathematician.

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