Friday, February 22, 2019

The Dentist is In

Welcome to our Pre-K dental practice!
We are open Monday through Friday during school hours.
Our waiting room is very comfortable and equipped with
the best dental books around.

Our receptionist will take a full patient history
and the dentist will educate the patients on their care.
Precautions are taken to protect the patient and 
the dentist from germs.
 Gloving up is tricky, but we get the job done!
Our receptionists are very friendly and efficient 
at writing messages for the doctor.
Collaboration is key in this practice.
No dental practice would be complete without a lab.
Our interns and hygienists practice the art of 
brushing teeth in our lab school.
 We also practice flossing on special props until we are experts.
Extractions and implant placement is our 
specialty at the finger gym.
Stop in for a cleaning. 
You will leave with a pearly white smile!!
 Future dentists of America!

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