Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pre-K Travels to China

This week the full day children engaged in a mini 
inquiry unit on China and learned a bit about 
Chinese New Year and a few Chinese customs.
We learned that RED is the color of happiness and good luck.
We tried our hand at writing Chinese numbers and letters.
They are so fancy compared to ours.
We explored a few authentic Chinese artifacts.
        We read many stories about Chinese New Year.    
The children had fun setting up their own little Chinese restaurant 
and enjoyed making egg rolls and eating with chopsticks.
One tradition we learned about was the LION DANCE. 
It is performed in the 
streets during the Chinese New Year. 
A dragon dance is also performed during traditional 
festivals, but has a much longer tail.
 We had our own little dragon dance parade.
Click on the links below:
The children were fascinated with the dragon 
because it was so beautiful and fancy.
We decided to create our own dragon for the 
hallway bulletin board.
Each child designed a panel for the body of the dragon.
Then embellished it with a touch of 'fancy!'
 Gung Hey Fat Choy!

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