Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Celebrating Hanukkah

It is important for us to remember there are a 
diverse set of holidays available to explore and 
today the children in prekindergarten had the special 
opportunity to learn about another holiday celebrated 
around this time of the year called HANUKKAH.
One of our classmates has a mommy who is Jewish and she came to share the customs and traditions of the Jewish faith.
She treated the children to a simple story teaching about the miracle that happened in the temple when the oil that should have lasted for only one night, actually lasted for 8 nights.
We got to listen to her sing a Jewish blessing 
as she lit the candles of the MENORAH.
We even learned the name of the helper candle in the middle... 
it is called the SHAMASH.
As you can see, the candle light looks so beautiful and that is why Hanukkah is known as the 'Festival of Lights.'
Your child received a DREIDL gift and had fun experimenting spinning it and also learned a little dreidl song.
We were also treated to a craft project.
The dreidl paper was magical as the children carved on it 
revealing a menagerie of colors underneath the blue surface.
It’s important children understand and express their own family traditions and beliefs, but the holiday season can be a great time to encourage exploration of other cultural traditions and beliefs. Learning about other cultures helps expand a child’s experiences and world and helps create understanding across cultures.
Thank you, mommy!!
You may have noticed a shiny, gold coin in your child's back pack.
That is called Hanukkah GELT.
A fancy word for yummy chocolate:)

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