Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmasing with Friends!

Our last morning of school was spent celebrating with friends!

We played games and enjoyed a few party centers.
Made ornaments! 
 Played Jesus bingo!
 Shared stories.
We feasted on festive fare... thank you to our creative mommies for the fun and yummy snacks!!
First, we needed to set the table!
 Christmas friends!
Our morning ended with caroling through the halls 
and in and out of all the classrooms.
We ended up in 4th grade and surprised 
our special big buddies with homemade cards!
When we returned to our classroom we 
found a package from the North Pole!!
So fun!
Hope you all enjoyed (and survived) your family celebrations!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas Concert Fun!

What a special night!!
The prekindergartners had so much fun 
singing in their first Christmas concert.
Even waiting to be called down for our turn was fun!
Presenting... the 4K stars!!
Here we go...
Our first Christmas song...
Jingle Bells!
Winter Wonderland
So proud of these little people!!
 Merry Christmas to All!!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Gingerbread Shenanigans!

Run, run as fast as you can.
You can't catch me 
I'm the gingerbread man!
For the past week we have read MANY different 
versions of the gingerbread man story.
This version was one of our favorites because it had two chants.
No, no! 
I won't come back.
I'd rather run,
Than be a snack!!
We compared and contrasted the similarities and 
differences and learned the silly chant inside and out.
We also launched our Jan Brett author study which will continue into January with her winter stories.
This morning was the culminating event to our gingerbread week.
We prepared and baked our very own gingerbread man.
We smelled the yummy smell of gingerbread 
using the same technique as a scientist.
We dumped the mix.
Cracked the egg. 
Added some water.
Finally we stirred and stirred.
Next, we formed the batter into a 
gingerbread man shape.
 Then added yummy decorations!
 He was so skinny going into the oven:)
When we went to check on him in the oven... he was GONE!
He left us a clue.
 We found him hiding in our bakery 
shop in the pretend oven.
He got soooo fat!!
Mmmmmm... he smelled sooooo yummy!!
His gingerbread friend was hiding in the 
discovery room in the train table!!
He tasted delicious!!
What a magically FUN morning!!