Friday, June 8, 2018

Class Picnic

Thank you for joining in our last day of fun as a class community.
It was so great seeing so many of you at our class picnic.

We found Kevin and Daddy!
We missed Reed:(
Feel better soon!

Where's Theo?!
Here he is!!

We missed Joshua's family!! 
Boo Hoo!!
But look who we found in church on Friday!!
If you look very closely, you will find Reed too:)
We hope that Lola feels better soon
and Truth and Theodore couldn't make it either:(

Wishing everyone a happy and safe summer!!
Enjoy nature. Play outside. Get messy. 
Have fun!!
See you in August... if not before!!

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Our very own Ms. Cat is getting married on Saturday, June 9th.
The children... especially the girls... 
have been very excited about this, sooooo
we just had to throw her a little shower.
Nothing like adding even MORE excitement 
on the very last day of school!!
Thank you to everyone for contributing to this last minute idea.
 The children got lined up, each with a special rose.
(Thank you Ms. Hanson!)

 The bouquet was gorgeous!!

Here are the 3 close-up pictures in the frame.
We love you Ms. Cat!!
Happy wedding:)

Last Days of 4K

The last week of school was spent enjoying time with each other.
Since our zoo trip, we continued having fun 
creating habitats for our zoo animals.

If you ever need to keep your child busy for an extended period of time, just put out a tray or a few baskets of loose parts.
Adding playdough extends the play nicely:)

The children were busy feeding the animals at the finger gym.

 Our last dramatic play corner was set up as an ice cream shop.
Business was very good the past few days.
The freezer was stocked full.

 Lots of toppings to choose from!

Mmmm... a perfect summer treat!
 The block builders are always busy in 4K!

Our Wisconsin weather was quite challenging 
the last weeks of school, but we managed to always 
enjoy outside time whenever we could.


 Let us in!!

 Still fascinated with all the postcards from our project.
Last count we hit 127!! 
We continue to get a couple postcards each day.
What a fun project!
Thank you to all for participating.